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Novena Our Lady Consolation

Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Consolation – Father John Raphael Hadnagy, OFM Conv.

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

Day One: For the Holy Father, the Pope

God, Father of all, we give you praise and thank you for all of your many gifts to us. As we begin this Novena in honor of Our Lady of Consolation, we your children come to you with the same trust Mary had at Nazareth when she said, “Let it be done unto me as you have said.” Help us to keep this trust always.

God our Father, we ask you to bless and keep our Holy Father, Pope Benedict. Keep him strong in faith, holiness and compassion. Give him many years to lead your Church after the example of St. Peter. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, on this the first day of our Novena, we ask you pray with us for our Holy Father, Pope Benedict. May God give him the grace to lead the Church with courage and humility and in the peace of Jesus Christ. May he love you, the Mother of the Church, as did St. Peter.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Two: For Bishops, Priests and Deacons

Jesus Christ, our great High Priest, you gave bishops, priests and deacons a share in your ministry. Grant them the grace to carry out their ministries with love, devotion, charity and apostolic zeal. Stir up in your ordained ministers, a great care for souls. Make them signs of your compassion, mercy, and reconciliation in the world today. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, you comforted and exhorted the Church in its infancy, we ask you to pray with us for our bishops, priests and deacons. Console and strengthen Jesus’ clergy by your prayers. May they be given your gifts of humility and trust in your Son. Pray that they would come to love and honor you as their mother and consoler.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Three: For Religious

Holy Spirit of God, you call men and women to follow Jesus in roles of service to His Church. Strengthen them in their commitment to Holy Church and to God’s people that their lives may always bear witness to this joy and peace of living out the Gospel of Christ. May they daily conform their hearts to Jesus in all things. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, we ask you to pray with us for our beloved sisters and brothers who have consecrated their lives to Christ Jesus as religious sisters, brothers and priests. May they be granted the grace of perseverance to their vowed commitment and a deepening of their love for Jesus. May they love you and imitate your humility.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Four: For Families

God our Father, source of family life, we lift up our families to you. Keep them in your fatherly care: heal the sick, soothe hearts that are broken, comfort the dying, give encouragement to those who have no hope, and bring back all those who have left the practice of their faith. May our families love you with all of their hearts and truly become holy families. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, Mother of the Holy Family of Nazareth, pray for our families. Please pray that God would bless and protect our families and make them one in His love. Pray that He would heal divisions and broken relationships in our families and give us the courage both to forgive and accept forgiveness. May we come to love and respect each other after the example of you, Jesus and Joseph in your home in Nazareth.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Five: For World Peace

Lord Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace. We ask you to bring your peace to our lives, our families, our homes and those places in our world where peace does not reign. Make us “instruments of your peace” in our daily lives, that we might change the world by our lives. As your ambassadors of peace, help us to build your kingdom. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, we ask you to pray with us to your Son for peace in the world. May all of humanity come to honor you as the Queen of Peace and accept your Son’s call to bring peace to our troubled world.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Six: For the Return of Loved Ones to the Practice of the Faith

Holy Spirit, we come to you praying for our loved ones who have left our faith or who have stopped practicing any faith at all. We ask you to touch their hearts and minds with the joy and beauty of our faith. Fill them with the peace of knowing Jesus in His word, in prayer and in His Church. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, we ask you to pray with us for our loved ones who have left the practice of their faith or who practice no faith at all. We ask you to pray with us to Jesus, your Son, that these our loved ones, would return to the active practice of their faith. May they come to know and love Jesus as their greatest treasure. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Seven: For the Sick, Suffering and Dying

Father of love, you comfort those who are sick or suffering and you call home to yourself those who die in your grace. Lay your healing hands on our sick brothers and sisters, give them peace and courage in their illnesses and grant them trust in your care for them. Give to those who are preparing for death the grace of final repentance and perseverance in your love until they see you face to face. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, we ask you to pray with us for our sick and suffering brothers and sisters. Comfort them as a mother comforts her children in their sicknesses. Bring peace to our brothers and sisters who are dying and strength to those who care for them. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Eight: For the Conversions of Sinners and Repentance of Those Already Converted

Jesus, Shepherd of Souls, we ask you to look to all of the people of the world and move their hearts to contrition. Lord Jesus, we pray also for those who already profess your Name, that we might fully repent of our sinfulness. Give us the grace and courage to seek out the Sacrament of Reconciliation, to forgive others and to live in peace with your people. Amen.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, as our mother, you pray unceasingly for all people to repent and accept the gift of salvation given to us by Jesus. We ask you to pray with us that we will repent by asking God’s forgiveness and then live our lives in holiness and goodness, pleasing to God.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be

Day Nine: For the end of Religious Persecution Throughout the World and for Christian Unity

Holy Spirit of God, we end this Novena by asking you to touch the hearts and minds of all people. Please bring an end to religious persecution throughout the world, so that never again would people be harmed in the name of God. Holy Spirit, we ask you to bring unity to all Christians. At the Last Supper, Jesus prayed that his followers might be one. Spirit of God, through your power, make those who follow Christ Jesus one, in mind and heart. Bring healing to those who have been harmed in any way through the name of God or religion.

Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, we ask you to pray with us for the end to all religious persecution throughout the entire world. Please pray for the unity of all Christians, that we might be one as Jesus prayed we would be. Amen.

Our Father
Hail Mary
Glory Be