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7 Sacraments (The Holy Mysteries) 7 Corporal Works of Mercy 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost (& the Charismata) 7 Capital Sins & Their Contrary Virtues 7 Sorrows (Dolours) and 7 Joys of Our Lady 7 Sorrows and 7 Joys of St. Joseph 7 Days of Creation 7 Last Words of Christ 3 Conditions of Mortal Sin 3 Evangelical Counsels 3 Pillars of the Church's Authority 3 Parts of the Church 3 Theological Virtues 4 Cardinal Virtues 4 Pillars of the Catholic Faith 4 Marks of the Church 4 Last Things (The Novissima) 5 Precepts of the Church 8 Beatitudes 14 Stations of the Cross 15 Mysteries of the Rosary 12 Fruits of the Holy Ghost 10 Commandments 7 Sacraments (The Holy Mysteries) Baptism Confirmation (Chrismation) Eucharist Penance (Confession, Reconciliation) Matrimony Holy Orders Extreme Unction (Annointing of Sick) 7 Corporal Works of Mercy To feed the hungry To give drink to the thirsty To clothe the naked To shelter the homeless To visit the sick To visit the imprisoned To bury the dead 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy To counsel the doubtful To instruct the ignorant To admonish the sinner To comfort the sorrowful To forgive all injuries To bear wrongs patiently To pray for the living and the dead 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost (& the Charismata) Wisdom Understanding Counsel Fortitude Knowledge Piety Fear of the Lord 7 Capital Sins & Their Contrary Virtues Pride | Humility Greed | Liberality Lust | Chastity Anger | Meekness Gluttony | Temperance Envy | Brotherly Love Sloth | Diligence 7 Sorrows (Dolours) or Our Lady The Prophecy of Simeon (Luke 2:33-35) The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 3: 13-15) The Loss of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:41-52) The Meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross (John 19:17) The Crucifixion (John 19:25-30) The Taking Down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross (John 19: 31-37) Jesus laid in the Tomb (John 19:38-42) 7 Joys of Our Lady The Annunciation (Luke 1:27-38) The Visitation (Luke 1:39-58) The Birth of Jesus (Luke 2:7) The Adoration of the Magi (Matthew 2:7-11) The Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:46) The Resurrection of Our Lord (John 20:1-9) The Assumption and Coronation of the Blessed Virgin (Apocalypse 12) 7 Sorrows of St. Joseph The doubt of Saint Joseph (Matthew 1:19) The poverty of Jesus' birth (Luke 2:7) The Circumcision (Luke 2:21) Simeon's prophecy that many would be lost (Luke 2:34) The flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:13-14) The return from Egypt (Matthew 2:22) The loss of the Child Jesus (Luke 2:45) 7 Joys of St. Joseph The Message of the Angel (Matthew 1:20) Jesus' Birth itself (Luke 2:7) Simeon's prophecy that many would rise (Luke 2:34) The Overthrow of Idols (Isaias 19:1) The Holy Name of Jesus (Matthew 1:25) Life with Mary and Jesus (Luke 2:39) The Finding of Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:46) Order of Creation 1st Day: A dividing of light from darkness brings forth Heaven and a formless, water-covered Earth, then Light 2nd Day: A dividing of the waters above from the waters below to create the Firmament of Heaven 3rd Day: A dividing of the waters under the heavens to form dry land; then grass, herbs, and fruit trees 4th Day: Sun, Moon and Stars 5th Day: Creatures of the waters and of the air 6th Day: Creatures of the land, then Man 7th Day: Sabbath Rest 7 Last Words of Christ Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) Amen I say to thee: This day thou shalt be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43) Woman, behold thy son. . . .Behold thy mother. (John 19:26-27) Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani? (My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?) (Matthew 27:46, ref. Psalm 21) I thirst. (John 19:28) It is finished (consummated). (John 19:30) Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. (Luke 23:46, ref. Psalm 30:6) 3 Conditions of Mortal Sin Grave matter Full knowledge Deliberate consent 3 Levels of Reverence Dulia: the reverence we give to Saints Hyperdulia: the reverence we give to Mary as the greatest of Saints and Mother of God Latria: the reverence and worship we give to God alone 3 Pillars of the Church's Authority Sacred Scripture Sacred Tradition Living Magisterium 3 Parts of the Church The Church Militant (Christians on Earth) The Church Suffering (Christians in Purgatory) The Church Triumphant (Christians in Heaven) 3 Theological Virtues Faith Hope Love (Charity) 4 Cardinal Virtues Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance 4 Pillars of the Catholic Faith The Apostles Creed The Seven Sacraments The Ten Commandments The Lord's Prayer 4 Marks of the Church Unity Sanctity Catholicity Apostolicity (Creed: One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic) 4 Last Things (The Novissima) Death Judgement Heaven Hell 5 Precepts of the Catholic Church (CCC 2041-3) Attend Mass on Sundays & Holy Days of Obligation Confess your sins at least once per year Receive sacrament of Eucharist at least during Easter season Observe days of fasting and abstinence Help provide for the needs of the Church 14 Stations of the Cross Jesus is Condemned to Die Jesus is Made to Bear His Cross Jesus Falls the First Time Jesus Meets His Mother Simon Helps Jesus Carry His Cross Veronica Wipes Jesus' Face Jesus Falls the Second Time Jesus Meets the Women of Jerusalem Jesus Falls the Third Time Jesus is Stripped Jesus is Nailed to the Cross Jesus Dies on the Cross Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross Jesus is Laid in the Tomb 15 Mysteries of the Rosary Joyful Annunciation Visitation Nativity Presentation Finding Jesus in the Temple Sorrowful Agony in the Garden Scourging at the Pillar Crown of Thorns Carrying the Cross The Crucifixion Glorious Resurrection Ascension into Heaven Descent of the Holy Spirit Assumption of the Virgin Mary Coronation of Mary 12 Fruits of the Holy Ghost Charity Joy Peace Patience Benignity Goodness Longanimity Mildness Faith Modesty Continency Chastity 10 Commandments Thou shalt not have other gods besides Me Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain Remember to keep holy the Lord's day Honor thy father and thy mother Thou shalt not murder Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods 8 Beatitudes Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are the meek: for they shall posses the land. Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy Blessed are the clean of heart: for they shall see God Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called children of God Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven